There are two ways to find out the status of your My Genius device. From the My Genius Client software and directly from the device.
P.S. The main 'STATUS' and their meanings will be listed at the end of this article.
1. Run the 'My Genius Client software' and click on 'Info'.
2. You will see the status within the 'Status Info' section on the left.
From the 'MAIN MENU', select 'INFO', 'PROTOCOL INFO' and you will see the 'STATE' of your tool.
VIRGIN 0x0000 ⇒ the device is not enabled to perform any operations. You may also see the message 'there is not any valid features' as the STATE of the device (see the link In this case, the Master has to initialize the tool before shipping it to the customer as explained here
INITIALIZE 0x0044 ⇒ the device has been initialized by the Master, but it's not ready to work. The customer has to perform the required mandatory update. If no warning message about a mandatory update appears, follow this procedure in the My Genius Client software
CONFIGURED 0x0055 ⇒ the device is configured and ready to work. Connect the device to your vehicle and make an 'ID' or 'READING'.
WRITE 0x02DD ⇒ the device has read the vehicle, and is ready to write a MOD file.
WRITE 0x07DD ⇒ the device has written a MOD file in the vehicle.
WRITE 0x03DD ⇒ the device has restored the ORI file in the vehicle.
RECOVERY 0x0266/0x0366 ⇒ the device has not completed the writing of the MOD/ORI file in the vehicle.